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7300 Macarthur Blvd
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Jeghetto's Entertainment presents Jeghetto's Workshop

Jeghetto's Entertainment presents Jeghetto's Workshop

*Mainstage Guest Artist*

Jeghetto's Workshop is a family show for all ages. Learn how Jeghetto builds and manipulates his original puppets over hip-hop instrumentals. This is a very interactive production, you never know, you can be pulled up on stage and be part of the show.

About Jeghetto's Entertainment:
Tarish Pipkins aka Jeghetto was born and raised in a small steel mill town called Clairton, PA about 45 minutes south of downtown Pittsburgh. He is a self taught jack of all trades. He is a visual artist with expertise in several media such as acrylic paints, watercolors, portraits and murals. He started building puppets at the age of 30. Now he is known as a self taught Master builder and puppeteer. His puppets are abstract moving sculptures made of mostly found and recycled materials. He has received two grants from the Jim Henson foundation for his stage production titled "5P1N0K10" (SPINOKIO). He has also received a grant from Heather Henson's Handmade Puppet Dreams film company to adapt 5P1N0K10 into a short film. Now he is a current board member of the Jim Henson foundation. Jeghetto has worked with Missy Elliott, Pharrell Williams, Alec Baldwin and a few other celebrities on music videos commercials and television. 

Before Jeghetto jumped into puppetry full-time he taught at a private school for children with special needs. He taught students on the spectrum social skills through puppetry. He also ran a Level 3 group home with his wife for a few years as therapeutic foster parents. After leaving the group home they continued to do residential foster care. Teaching children and exposing them to the arts is a passion for Jeghetto. 

May 3, 2025 - May 11, 2025

Thursday and Friday at 10:30am
Saturdays and Sundays at 11:30am, 1pm & 3pm

Ticket Price: $16 per person
Tickets required for all ages 2 and up.

Ticket price does not include card processing fees. There are no additional fees for cash transactions.

(Please help us make sure that there's room for everyone when considering if your child needs a paid ticket. Call the Box Office to reserve their free ticket.)

Questions? Call the box office.

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